Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Six days & counting

Still nothing. Some contractions, even some five minutes apart, but they don't get stronger and then they stop.

As for the knitting content, I'm nearly finished with a sweater for the kid - I'll post a photo when finished. By then, the new spiffy digital SLR should be here :)

Thursday, November 15, 2007


One day post-due date & counting

Yes, I've been very bad and haven't posted for a very long time. Most of you know by now that I am, in fact pregnant, and my due date was yesterday, Nov. 14 2007. One day after I turned "of advanced maternal age." It's such a lovely label! For those of you not familiar with the pregnancy literature, that means I am now 35.

The mid-wife who examined me at my appointment yesterday (because my doctor was off delivering someone else's baby) said things were progressing just fine and that she estimated another four or five days before I actually hit full stage labor. I'll spare you the specifics, especially you Scott. If you want them, email me.

At the moment, I'm feeling fine. Mostly impatient. But then, it's not like this child has the genetic make-up to be either on time or in a hurry to get here, so this shouldn't really surprise me. My pelvis feels like a wishbone, and my husband tells me I walk like the Stay Puffed Marshmallow man in Ghost Busters. But that's my only real complaint at the moment.

Actually, it's rather amusing to walk into places like Target and the grocery store and see the looks on people's faces. There's this horrified realization that I could, in fact, go in to labor and drop this kid any time. It does make for good customer service though, and people are a lot more likely to get out of your way.

We'll keep everyone posted as to when things occur. The hospital birth center lounge has an Internet computer. So I'll be able to post. With any luck the digital camera I ordered before I left the photo store will be here before baby Barsanouphios is. And no, that's not his name, but I'm not going to post it on the blog, so it works as good as any.

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