Saturday, January 28, 2006


Catching Up

So, it's been awhile since I've posted. Here's a quick update:

We are now the proud owners of a 2000 Impala. Unfortunately, Christine the Sable is no more. B. was driving downtown to pick me up from work and she caught fire. Fortunately, he was only a few blocks from the fire station, so it was out quickly. Fortunate because he wasn't hurt, although somewhat unforunate because there was not enough fire damage to collect an insurance claim.

And so enter Wendy, the white Impala. A family of four could live in the trunk.

In other somewhat sadder news, tragedy once again seems unable to leave my mother's side of the family alone. My cousin's teenage son was killed last week when he was shot by a friend who was playing with a loaded gun. Given the sketchy details my mother relayed to me, it MIGHT have been an accident, they're not entirely sure. I wasn't able to make home for the funeral because my work schedule didn't allow it.Your prayers and good thoughts for the family are greatly appreciated.

Jeez louise, kid. Don't stay gone so long!
Welcome back. I'm sorry to hear about your cousin's son. Sending good thoughts, etc.

What have you been knitting lately? We should compare notes.
Two projects
– an afgahn which is almost done, but it's been so long since I've finished a project I can't remember how to bind off (how sad is that?) it's the one I had with me at the reunion

– a prayer shawl, which a project where (often church groups) knit shawls in groups of three stiches, have them blessed and send them to sick people – there's a link, but I can't remember it, i'll post it later.

I'm going to try to post photos, but I've been strugging with Blogspot on code, so I don't know how successful I'll be.
Cool! I'm working on a wrap for my mom and a sweater for me, plus the usual pair of socks. The sweater is Tubey from the most recent issue of; the wrap is Clapotis from a 2004 issue of Knitty. (If you haven't checked out, you should; there's great stuff there!)

As far as binding off goes, try; there are videos! :)

I sure wish you could come and hang out with my little knitting group sometime. You'd love them. They're all editors at a medical journal. One even writes music for the theater. Imagine that!
I LOVE Knitty, I found from your blog.

My next project is going to be those hand warmer critters. Except, we're calling them boo boo critters. They're for my friends little boy who's a little clumsy and always seems to need a ice pack for a goose egg or two.

Hopefully, I can get them done by his birthday May.
Oh, and how hard is the Tubey project because I LOVE that sweater, and as yet I've not managed to knit anything for me ...
Welcome back. Sorry to hear about your cousin's son.

And the next time we see you (or Gina) could one of you teach Cathy to knit? She wants to learn, but I'm all thumbs when it comes to anything like that.
Sure thing, if you MOVE here, it would be easy.

However, maybe we can hook up some weekend when we're down visiting the folks. We'll actually be there this week, but we're going to an SCA thing in KC on Saturday, so it'll be hetic.
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