Wednesday, September 13, 2006
So far, so good
Well here's hoping that some things are passed genetically. My mom said she was never sick when she was pregnant, so far I haven't been. Been queasy off and on, but that's all.
As for the names, they're the worst Greek names we could come up with out the Saints' names books. (Agrippina was also the name of an early Roman ruler who liked to kill members of her family, but also an obsecure saint name.) And no, we're not serious.
We're still debating finding out the sex. B. wants to. I don't.
And yes, I promise to post more. Right now the little parasite is hungry again, so I'm off to the kitchen to graze.
As for the names, they're the worst Greek names we could come up with out the Saints' names books. (Agrippina was also the name of an early Roman ruler who liked to kill members of her family, but also an obsecure saint name.) And no, we're not serious.
We're still debating finding out the sex. B. wants to. I don't.
And yes, I promise to post more. Right now the little parasite is hungry again, so I'm off to the kitchen to graze.
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I'd be tempted to wait until birth to learn the sex of the baby. My mother, aunts and grandmother all say it's a lovely surprise. And as a couple of other moms have told me, it's a surefire way to avoid being firehosed with pink or blue stuff before the big day. Afterward, of course, is another story... :)
I, on the other hand, would have to know the sex. I'm too curious that way, I guess. Plus, if you don't find out the sex, then you're stuck with a bunch of little green and yellow knitted things.
And thank Jesus, or Barsonouphios, that those names were a joke. I was really worried there. I thought you were serious.
And thank Jesus, or Barsonouphios, that those names were a joke. I was really worried there. I thought you were serious.
Nothing's wrong with pink and blue. The moms I mentioned simply didn't want to dress/wrap/outfit their kids and their kids' rooms/cribs/strollers/whatever in pink or blue based solely on the sex of the kids. That's all.
P.S. I'm glad those names were a joke, too...
P.S. I'm glad those names were a joke, too...
All this talk of pink and blue reminds me of when the family formerly known as the 3 Peppers were expecting their baby. They didn't find out the sex of the little pepper because they didn't want to start "gender encoding" too soon. Whateva'. The little pepper is 4 now and very much a boy, thus showing nature is often more powerful than nurture, or gender encoding, or whatever.
Hmmm. I think it's fun to wait. And even the best technology is not fool proof. Friends just had a baby recently. They were told it was a girl. All pink, all the time came their way. Guess what? Boy. We're having another baby shower soon, most of the pink stuff had been nicely laundered and put away in anticipation of the girl. So it was donated. We did find this nice pink baby-T for a boy it reads, "Real boys wear pink."
Congrats again, Turk. (Ha! Betcha didn't think I remembered...) Anyway, about the sex of the baby, we had totally planned on not finding out but at that first sonogram I just had to know. T didn't care one way or the other so we did find out. I'm glad we did as we were able to call DK by her name throughout the pregnancy. We went with bright, primary colors in the nursery since I've never been a big fan of pink. And my beautiful baby girl wore her fair share of blue. She now is a pink girly, girl. Go figure.
Wait. It's the one true surprise you have in this world.
Greg dithered about finding out about our third, but I held firm. And I'm glad I did. Each child was a surprise, each child has his or her own personality.
If you know the sex, you might want to impose preconcieved notions on the poor thing (I know folks who have).
Enjoy the surprise, and enjoy unwrapping the present of their personality during the years as they grow.
It's a great gift. Seriously.
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Greg dithered about finding out about our third, but I held firm. And I'm glad I did. Each child was a surprise, each child has his or her own personality.
If you know the sex, you might want to impose preconcieved notions on the poor thing (I know folks who have).
Enjoy the surprise, and enjoy unwrapping the present of their personality during the years as they grow.
It's a great gift. Seriously.
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